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Friday, April 25, 2014

52 Week Crochet Challenge: Week 8 - Fix it or Frog it!

Stumbling around my blogroll the other day, I came across this 52 Week Challenge spearheaded by Julie of Red Berry Crochet. Why take on a year long challenge? Benefits: meet new people, share some projects, be inspired - my stash may even make it out of the tangled mess it's in and into an organized display (maybe?!?). I can't seem to wrap my brain around "catching up" on the 7 weeks I have missed, so I am jumping right in where we are.

Week 8: choose an unfinished project and "Fix it or Frog it". 


Monday, April 07, 2014

5 Crochet Blogs Every Beginner Should Read!

My crochet-ducation started out with some determination, a single "I" hook and a couple balls of yarn. However, to say that "I taught myself to crochet" would be a massive disservice to those bloggers who, collectively, taught me everything I know! I scoured google and streamed YouTube videos one after another to learn even the basics, but my journey from that first set of leg warmers has been paved by others. Featured here are 5 bloggers that were instrumental in my first year of learning to crochet beautiful things!
